How to swap your
old sample

Once registered, send us your old sample album at this address: 250 Wildcat Rd, North York, ON.
Canada Postal Code: M3J 2N5
- Inside the album package, please include a physical copy of your registration ID so we know who the package belongs to.
(either written out or printed)

Once this is done, please email us that you have completed the mailing of the old sample album and we will reimburse your account with $300 in store credit that you can use for a new sample album.
- Please make sure to include your website registration ID as well as the package tracking number in the email.
- Use the subject line: Sample Album Swap + Your Name.
Note: there is a limit of two sample album swaps per photographer. If you are sending in two old sample albums, you are required to then purchase two new sample albums using the credit we provide. All purchases will be monitored by our team.